Church, we must understand the importance of alignment; that is the drawing together of two things which don’t align – that are out of place or not equal or as the dictionary says, “The process of adjusting parts so that they are in proper relative position.”
My friends, when Jesus saved you, He brought your spirit into alignment with His. Now as good as that is, He’s not done because now He desires that your mind, (or your soul) is in alignment with His spirit so that you are not carnally minded but spiritually minded and well able to walk as He walked.
Paul cries out to the church in Romans 12 “Don’t allow your mind to be continually conformed to worldly ways of thinking and behaving, No!”
Church we must constantly and continually allow His words, His ways, His attitude and mind to be in us, by the washing of His word on a moment by moment, day by day basis.
Its only then that we will find ourselves doing what He did, because walking in your ways won’t produce what our heart desires and longs to see.