Welcome to LifeChangers

Welcome to LifeChangers Levin. We are a contemporary church, pursuing God with a passion. We believe in exuberant praise and worship and revelationary preaching (2 Timothy 3:16) Our desire is to create environments where people are “Transformed in His Presence”.

To find out more about us check out our Ministries and Belief pages.

We want everyone who comes to our fellowship to feel part of our family and to increasingly become the person that God has made and purposed them to be.

Our service starts at 10:30 am on Sunday morning. Prayer meeting 9:45-10:15 am 


If you’re new to our town or a new Christian and are looking for a church home,  – we would love to get to know you. We believe church life is the best way to build a solid foundation in your Christian walk. If you would like one of our pastoral team to call or visit with you, please call the church office at 06 367 2489.
Connect Groups Are On! Connect Groups are a great way to connect with other people in the church, and develop relationships as we fellowship together. We have three connect groups currently running. If you want more information on Connect Groups – please look in the church foyer for contact details.
Want to get involved with a church ministry? One of the best ways to make church feel like “home” is to get involved. Whether it’s attending a connect group or prayer meeting, helping in the kitchen, or joining the worship team, there are always places where you can get involved. We are currently looking for volunteers to help in children’s ministry, and for additional muso’s for the worship team.
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