Through biblical teaching and fun crafts we aim to equip, resource and provide experiences for our little ones to fellowship with each other and with the Holy Spirit.
We keep our children’s ministry fun, and know that God is building our team to provide a safe, fun and exciting experience for your young children. In addition to children’s church, we also have a creche for children ages 0-5.
Creche and children’s church run during the school term – for more information on children’s church or creche, please see Julie.
Every Thursday afternoon after school during the term we have a Games Club running from 3:00pm – 4:45pm at church. It is action packed, with large group games, board games and a short values based devotional talk shared over afternoon tea. It is open to all children from Year 1 – Year 8.
A Connect Group format typically consists of Bible study and discussion, prayer and fellowship. Establishing Christ-centered friendships helps you to feel planted and connected to a church fellowship, and provide a safe place to learn more about the Lord through Bible-based learning, prayer and fellowship with each other and the Holy Spirit.
‘Caleb’s Strength’ meets fortnightly on Friday afternoon at 1.30pm and is led by Beryl.
If you would like to join a Connect Group – please call the church during office hours for address and direction information.
Every Tuesday night (during term time) we meet together at 7:30pm to look into God’s Word, pouring over His plans and purposes for us and how to outwork them to those around us.
Proverbs 18:14
The strong spirit of a man (or woman) sustains him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear? Amplified
This group is all about men supporting and encouraging each other in their walk with Christ.
Developing them so that in a moment of time they can meet needs greater than themselves through the enabling of the Holy Spirit.
Meets weekly on Mondays at 7.00pm
For more details contact the church.
At LifeChangers Levin we believe that prayer is essential to the life of the church.
Matthew 21:13:
“It is written,” he said to them, “My house will be called a house of prayer.”[/blockquote]
We are passionate about prayer. We believe that God wants to touch and transform Levin because we know that God is in the business of changing and transforming lives and communities. We are crying out to him, in line with 2 Chron 7: 14 to forgive our sin and heal our land and are praying for blessing and prosperity to once again touch the Horowhenua District.
Each Sunday we meet in the auditorium at 9:45 – 10:15 as we engage in prophetic prayer based around His Word and commit to prayer the ministries of the day.
If you have any needs /people that you would like prayed for they are only a phone call away. The prayer chain is operating 7 days a week. We also receive updates of answered prayer (praise reports) on a regular basis and these are very encouraging. For prayer requests contact the church office and they will give you the contact details.
An opportunity to gather together weekly and pray for the church, our community and the nation.
Each year LifeChangers Church looks to put on a Christmas dinner that is openly available to those who may live by themselves and would like to spend Christmas with others, those who may not have family around or can’t afford the expense that Christmas brings, and people who may just be alone during the holiday period. We provide a full Christmas dinner, with a warm, cheerful and social atmosphere. There is no charge for Christmas dinner. All that is asked is that people book via phone for catering purposes.
As it may not always be possible to provide sufficient volunteers for this event, call the church office to check if a dinner is to be provided this Christmas.