Home Life Wear (closed 20/10/2015)

Life Wear (closed 20/10/2015)

The Apostolic Church Clothing Bank was set up initially in 1983 to help meet the needs of underprivileged people, especially children, in the Levin and Horowhenua district who are unable to cope with all their everyday needs. Except for several years in recess due to the ill health of the then co-ordinator, the Clothing Bank has operated continually to help alleviate to some small degree the difficult circumstances many in our community find themselves in from time to time.








The Clothing Bank (soon to be known as LifeWear) makes a variety of clothing suitable for the two main seasons – lighter wear for summer and warmer clothing for winter. Families are supplied with a complete “outfit” appropriate for the time of year. The “outfits” consist of such things as: tracksuit, pyjamas, underwear (e.g. vests and briefs or underpants), skivvy, jersey, and shirts and dresses as material is available, all of which are made of new materials, plus any suitable second hand clothing which may be available at the time. In addition, there are some volunteers who knit baby garments suitable for the newly-born. From “scraps” cot blankets are made.

A large number of the families are referred to the Clothing Bank by WINZ, CYFS, Citizens Advice Bureau, Plunket, Barnado’s and other such community organisations including churchesand Te Runanga O Raukawa Inc, where clients are referred to the Clothing Bank by these and similar organizations no donations are expected and all clothing is freely available.lifewear1

For the general public a small monetary donation is invited, all monies received go directly to the running of the Clothing Bank. All workers are voluntary, receiving no monetary reward for their efforts.

In an average year over 700 children are assisted with clothing.