Position Yourself
Three questions I must ask myself
If God has a call for me, then what is that call?
And secondly
What am I doing about it?
My friend you don’t start at the end, but you start at the beginning and plan to end well.
In cycling there is an art in knowing how to position yourself for that last kilometer, when you can see the crowd, the end is in sight but only one can win. Do I come from the back? Then how far back, too far is to much! Do I lead from the front? Then those in my draught will easily come around me.
So here’s is the third question: How am I positioning myself?
Placement for purpose is critical, in the middle of the race if you rest on the back too much you will miss the breaks, and miss the opportunity to finish well, if you stay on the front you’ll burn yourself out, to understand the importance of sheltering with others will enable you to finish well.
“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.”
1 Corinthians 12:12